Sunday, March 7, 2010

AIR LAUDERDALE - Festival and Air Show Event Times

Many of our fans and supporters have been asking about the Festival Event and Air Show schedules.  We look forward to an amazing first year event that includes plenty of activities and events for those who are attending the Festival, as well as a first class Air Show!  The Festival will be open from 8:30am until 7:00pm with music throughout the day and events in the Thank the Troops Zone, the Kids Zone, the Extreme Sports Zone, and the Green Break Village.  Here's the current schedule for both Saturday and Sunday.  Additional information and details will follow in the coming days.

Air Lauderdale Beach Fest Schedule
  8:30am               Festival Opens
11:00am               Music Begins
12:00pm               Air Show Begins
  3:15pm               Air Show Ends
  3:30pm               Music Continues on 2 Stages (Americana & Rock/Urban)
  6:00pm               Music Headline Act
  7:00pm               Event Closes

For up to date information, please sign up to be part of THE AIR TEAM on our Homepage!


  1. still no word on a lineup of planes?....sorry but I am skipping this on in order to go to see the Blue Angels in Key West in early April

  2. Dave,

    Clearly you didn't read the rest of the news blog! Here's the info:

    2010 Air Show First Look

    This is just the beginning of the acts to take part in the 2010 Air Lauderdale Beach Fest Air Show.

    They are not listed in order of appearance:

    1. US Army Golden Knights Parachute Team - Multiple Acts/Demos
    2. Fred Cabanas Aerobatic Act - Precision Tumbling, Spins and Turns
    3. Red Bull BO-105 CBS Helicopter - Upside-down Helicopter
    4. Coast Guard Air & Sea Rescue Demo - Water to Air Rescue
    5. US Navy (USN) F-5 - The Navy "Aggressor"
    6. US Air Force (USAF) F-15's - Fast, Maneuverable, Tactical Fighter
    7. US Air Force (USAF) F-16 - Compact, Multi-role, Highly Maneuverable Fighter
    8. US Air Force (USAF) A-10 - Close Air Support, Anti-armor Fighter
    9. US Air Force Reserve (USAFR) 920th's Para Rescue - Combat Search and Rescue

  3. No major flight teams? And is Red Bull hopefully bringing more than just the BO-105? Did you guys talk to the Collings Foundation or CAF to see if they could fly by? Because, honestly.......EVERY air show has the F-15, A-10, F-16 demos....and are free. I so want to go....but I would rather see something I haven't seen yet...

  4. Two of your planes are scheduled for de-commission in the next year. With all the new aircraft (F22, F35, B2, even the F117) what are you guys doing? Also, the A10 is neat to see, but will be replace by drones in the next 2 years as well. That plane is more than 40 years old. We have the best military and equipment in the world and this is the best you can do? Way to shoot for the moon with your 'comeback' show. Maybe getting Dick Chaney to teach a hunting class would help...

  5. James, FYI, The F-117 was retired two years ago.....F-35 isn't in active service yet, just test and eval. And the F-16, F-15, and A-10 aren't going anywhere for a while thanks to the budget cuts made for the next few fiscal years.
