Thursday, February 4, 2010

AIR LAUDERDALE - 2010 Air Show First Look [Announcement]

This is just the beginning of the acts to take part in the 2010 Air Lauderdale Beach Fest Air Show.
They are not listed in order of appearance:

1. US Army Golden Knights Parachute Team - Multiple Acts/Demos
2. Fred Cabanas Aerobatic Act - Precision Tumbling, Spins and Turns
3. Red Bull BO-105 CBS Helicopter - Upside-down Helicopter
4. Coast Guard Air & Sea Rescue Demo - Water to Air Rescue
5. US Navy (USN) F-5 - The Navy "Aggressor"
6. US Air Force (USAF) F-15's - Fast, Maneuverable, Tactical Fighter
7. US Air Force (USAF) F-16 - Compact, Multi-role, Highly Maneuverable Fighter
8. US Air Force (USAF) A-10 - Close Air Support, Anti-armor Fighter
9. US Air Force Reserve (USAFR) 920th's Para Rescue - Combat Search and Rescue

Disclaimer: Military Aircraft scheduled subject to operational availability. All civilian acts subject to change based on operational duties.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

AIR LAUDERDALE BEACH FEST - On FOX Business Network [Video Link]

Fort Lauderdale Air and Sea Show Returns

Air Lauderdale CEO Stan Smith on bringing back the Fort Lauderdale Air and Sea Show after a two year hiatus.

Having trouble watching here? Click the link below to watch the segment on FOX Business Network!